SATB and Piano (4:00)
Date of composition: 2024

I Shall Not Live in Vain

The first time I tried setting this beautiful poem by Emily Dickinson was in 2022 when I was an undergraduate student at TCU. I tried to compose an unaccompanied piece for a friend’s conducting recital, but as straightforward and clear as this poem is, I struggled with the poem’s structure. While it seems like the poem’s famous declaration would return after line 3 or 4, Dickinson continues her thought for a couple more lines, and I did not know how to allow the music to flow and capture Dickinson’s phrasing.

I had been sitting on this poem for a couple years, and in 2024, I was approached with a commission for the Jefferson County Public Schools 10th-12th Grade All-County Honor Choir. This time, I found a lot more success because unlike my first attempt, I decided to write a piano accompanied that connected the musical phrases together with an undulating ostinato.

The piece was premiered in October 2024 under the direction of Dr. Francis Cathlina, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to compose this piece for the Jefferson County Public Schools 10th-12th Grade All-County Honor Choir.

I Shall Not Live in Vain

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

-Emily Dickinson