Be Love
SATB a cappella
Length: 2:00
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SATB a cappella
Length: 2:00
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Minimum order quantity: 10
Note: This is a digital score (PDF).
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SATB a cappella
Length: 2:00
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Minimum order quantity: 10
Note: This is a digital score (PDF).
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Be Love
Depart now beloved,
The spirit of God and Christ in you
For the world needs your light,
Your hope, and your deep, deep courage.
So go, and be brave,
Be strong,
Be kind,
And be love,
Always be love.
-Rev. Ryon Price
(b. 1976)
For a long time, I have wanted to create a set of sacred benedictions that choirs could learn and read quickly in the hopes that maybe a choir would use it as their “tradition” song. While I was a student at TCU, I sang in the Broadway Baptist Chancel Choir and was given the blessing of singing in a vibrant choral community led by Dr. Michael Cox. During my time there, I got to meet the pastor, Ryon Price.
Ryon is one of the most generous, humble, and kind human beings I have had the privilege of meeting. After every service, he ends with a benediction and a call to love. His words always instilled a sense of peace within me, and I knew his benediction would be a perfect beginning to the set of choral pieces I wanted to write. After leaving the choir to pursue my master’s degree in Lubbock, I wrote this choral piece with his permission. The benediction is below, and I urge you to read his beautiful words.